We are pleased that many of our recommendations have been included in a draft traffic regulation order that was published for consultation by Glasgow City Council on Friday 12th July. GCC has also included its own proposals, mainly aimed at improving sightlines and pedestrian safety.
Comments or objections must be submitted by Friday 2nd August. Please share your opinion and feedback with us as well as with GCC.
You can read the full proposal on GCC’s website. We have provided the notes below to make the proposals easier to understand. Please do not rely solely on these notes but also read the GCC draft TRO.
Mount Florida Community Council (MoFloCoCo) has worked closely with GCC over a period of years in developing the proposals. This included holding workshops and surveying local businesses as early as 2014.
The proposals comprise 3 parts:
- Relaxation of parking/loading restrictions on Cathcart Road
- Increased parking spaces on Bolton Drive, Clincart Road
- Additional proposals made by GCC – mainly related to pedestrian safety.
1. Relaxation of Parking and Loading Restrictions on Cathcart Road
MoFloCoCo’s proposals seek to make more parking available to shoppers and to residents.
Now: many long loading bays, restricted to goods vehicles.
Proposed: shorter loading bays, available to any vehicle.

Now: peak time clearways
Proposed: peak time clearway restrictions removed (Update 30th July: this has been confirmed)
Now: long bus bays.
Proposed: short pavement build outs giving better public transport access to Mount Florida and free up parking spaces.

No change:
– event day restrictions.
– loading bay outside Tesco restricted to goods vehicle only.
2. Increased parking spaces on Bolton Drive, Clincart Road
Several proposals are intended to make more space available for parking.
Now: The top (western end) of Bolton Drive is ‘unofficially’ treated as one-way by drivers, enabling diagonal parking. Two way traffic on Clincart Road. Diagonal parking only at northern end of Clincart.
Proposed: Clincart Road becomes one-way allowing ‘diagonal’ parking, creating more parking capacity.

Now: triangle traffic island on Bolton Drive serves little purpose.
Proposed: remove the triangle, and build-out the kerb, creating more parking space.

3. Additional proposals made by GCC
From GCC’s report: “The Council are taking the opportunity to improve parking practices and road safety within the adjoining residential areas. This includes ensuring crossing points are accessible, sightlines at junctions are sufficient and generally parking practices are safe and not obstructive.”
No waiting instructions are proposed at many junctions across Mount Florida and Kings Park west of Aikenhead Road. Example below.
Update 17 Jul: GCC Land Services confirmed these changes are in response to requests made by members of the public (in particular the markings on corners in Kings Park), and based on input made by Glasgow Housing Association for the area around the high flats.

Any person wishing to object to the proposed Order must submit this in writing to: Andy Waddell, Director of Operations, Neighbourhoods and Sustainability, Exchange House, 231 George Street, Glasgow, G1 1RX or email land@glasgow.gov.uk and it must be received by Friday 2 August 2019.
In traffic jargon, ‘Waiting’ means parking but doesn’t include stopping to load/unload. ‘Loading’ means stopping to load/unload goods or to allow passengers to board or alight. Reminder of the road markings: https://www.highwaycodeuk.co.uk/road-markings.html

More parking for commuters not residents!!! As a resident with a car I find it difficult to secure a space during the day. As rail commuters park for free and obtain cheaper rail to town
The proposal to make Clincart Road one-way, in opposing directions, is going to be extremely inconvenient for residents of Cathkinview Place and Cathkinview Road who currently can access their homes via Clincart Road,this poor decision will lead to more congestion on Cathcart Road along with the associated poorer air quality.
The proposed closure of the junction of Carmunock Road/Cathcart Road, to facilitate the creation of a play area, appears idiotic and will cause chaos when there are events on at Hampden Park.
Is it possible to upload a fuller image of the Bolton drive map? I can’t quite figure it out here
Hi Julie. Perhaps you’re seeing something different on your phone/computer but it looks pretty big to me. Is there a particular bit you’re looking at? Thx. Chris